0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2010 10:12 AM by leolo

    Z-Index of Tooltip in JBoss Portal 2.7.2




      I use JBoss Portal 2.7.2 with RichFaces 3.3.3.Beta 1 and I'm having a little issue. A tooltip in Portlet A is masked by Portlet B.


      Here's the tooltip-code:


      <rich:toolTip for="editLink" value="Edit" direction="top-right" followMouse="true"
                                                               style="background-color:#EDEAE6; border:0 none; font-size: 11px; font-family: Verdana;" />


      FF3 renders the tooltip as foremost element as expected. (Z-index of tooltip is 99 by default.)

      In IE 7.0 the part of the tooltip in Portlet A that reaches over Portlet B is masked by Portlet B.


      I tried playing around with <rich:toolTip zorder="999999"...> and stuff but I can't fix the issue in IE 7.


      Any ideas, that would help?

