2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2010 6:06 PM by bp2s

    Creating a non-deprecated rich:dropDownMenu dynamically


      ref: http://community.jboss.org/thread/6678?tstart=0



      i followed the thread above to the end, and the one full example code included worked ok on my system and looks nice, but includes deprecated code.


      can anyone include a full example of how to do a rich:dropDownMenu dynamically, including both jsp and non-deprecated server side code so i can see how it's done?


      thanks ia


        • 1. Re: Creating a non-deprecated rich:dropDownMenu dynamically

          This seems to have done it:


              public HtmlDropDownMenu getNodeMenu()


                  HtmlDropDownMenu menu = new HtmlDropDownMenu();
                  menu.setValue( "Node Select" );
                  HtmlMenuItem menuItem = new HtmlMenuItem();
                  // TODO programmatically pass from getNodes into a String[] rather than an ArrayList of SelectItems
                  String subOption = "myitem";            
                  menuItem.setValue( subOption );
                  Application app = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
                  MethodExpression methodExpression = app.getExpressionFactory().createMethodExpression(
                           new Class[] { ActionEvent.class });
                  menu.getChildren().add( menuItem );
                  return( menu );
              public void onItemClick( ActionEvent event )
                  Object obj = event.getSource();
                  if( obj instanceof HtmlMenuItem )
                      HtmlMenuItem item =    (HtmlMenuItem)obj;
                      if( item != null )
                          lastItem = item.getValue().toString();
                          logger.info("lastItem selected is " + lastItem);
          • 2. Re: Creating a non-deprecated rich:dropDownMenu dynamically

            oh, and in your jsp:

                                <rich:dropDownMenu binding="#{PrismBacking.nodeMenu}">