0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 2, 2010 7:32 AM by krish1

    Rerendering a parent window on change in child window

      In my app.  we are using JSF Rich faces. As a left hand menu we are using Rich:tree tag. This menu conatins list of say ablums and songs present under each ablum.

      In the top menu we have a find option. When user clicks on find option a new window opens and in serach text box we can give song name and search for the song.

      When user clicks on search then in that new window song along with it's parent folder items (in tree structure) will be displayed. For this too I have used rich:tree.


      Now on selection of any item in this tree, in the parent window, in left hand menu the corresponding item should be selected along with opening all of it's parent nodes.

      My issue is how to rerender the parent window as both are in different views(f:view). But I am using same backing bean so I am able to set the values i.e. setAdviseNodeSelected(true); of the parent window left menu component. But unable to rerender the parent window tree component as both are in differnt views.


      Thanks in Advance.
