2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 10, 2010 7:40 AM by pankrac88

    How to become Riftsaw developer

      Dear developers


      I am studying Software System engineering at the Aalborg University in Denmark (1st year of master studies). I am interesting in participation on Riftsaw development. I am not very experienced programmer, but I would like to improve my skills in the open source community. My reasons why I would like to work on Riftsaw development are

      - I was working on the project about web services orchestration and our group used Riftsaw engine (during last semester )

        Here is the link for the final report from my project http://cs.aau.dk/~mleginus/report.pdf

      - and mainly I want to gain as much programming skills as it is possible


      As I am not very experienced programmer, from the beginning I would have to work on easy and not demanding tasks( which don't have high priority) and mainly collaborate with you ( asking for advices and help)

      Please let me know, if there is possibility for me to participate on this project( if yes how I should start, because I have no experiences with working in open source community...).

      Thank you in advance for your reply.

      Best regards


      Martin Leginus

        • 1. Re: How to become Riftsaw developer

          Hi Martin


          Thanks for your interest in the project - and we would definitely like you to contribute to the project.


          In terms of the best ways forward, there are a couple of things we could do, depending on your interests:


          1) The easiest way to get involved would be to look at the RiftSaw jira, and see whether there are any bugs you can fix and submit a patch.


          2) If you are feeling more ambitious, and there is a feature request in jira (or possibly a feature you need for your own project that may not be listed), then another option would be to setup a branch for you to work on. We could then review the changes with you before merging them into the trunk.


          3) Kurt was wondering whether you would be interested in writing a blog entry for the RiftSaw blog, based on your experiences.



          As RiftSaw is based on Apache ODE, some of the features you may be interested in building might also require you to become involved in the Apache ODE project - so you might want to also see whether there are any issues (bugs) in the ODE project where a fix might indirectly benefit the RiftSaw project.




          • 2. Re: How to become Riftsaw developer

            Thank you for your answer


            I would start with fixing some bugs, and later we will see how it will be going with me(i mean to implement some new features and also with Apache Ode) . In case of writing to the blog I will get in touch with Kurt.

            So I will try to start.


            Best Regards
