2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2010 4:49 PM by vinayarammohan1

    Jboss 4.2.2GA Performance Problems




      We have Jboss 4.2.2 GA in production.

      We have all the default configurations including the default deployment directory.


      Spring 2.5 + JSF +Facelets+ MyFaces + Ibatis.


      Every 10 to 15 days the servers goes really slow. Some times the Threads are 97 where as the default are 58

      I started looking at the Thread dump but could not find out what exactly was going on.


      I have attached the thread dump.

      Looking forward for any suggestions in improving the performance.

      Is there any way to see how many classes (class names) have been loaded to know if the objects are being created and not being garbage collected.




        • 1. Re: Jboss 4.2.2GA Performance Problems

          From your thread dump is appears that only two threads were doing naything. What you really need to do it get several thread dump as few seconds appart and see what changed and what stayed the same - usually if a particualr thread is still working on the same tasks that can point out code that has a problem,


          As far a monitoring GC, use JCosnole or VisualVM to monitor heap usage. Also, see this presentation on gathering and analyzing GC performance data:

          (Oh no, the web site that had my presentation has been updated and I cannot find the presentation anymore!)

          Fortunately, the white papers that the presentation was based on are available. Go to:


          and get both the Java Garabage Collection Sattsical Analysis 101 and 201 papers.

          • 2. Re: Jboss 4.2.2GA Performance Problems



            The other reply was also for me.



            The other reply was also for me.

            will enable the GC logging and will try to compare. In my Thread dump can I disable any threads?


