4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2010 5:44 AM by alesj

    Replacement for JarUtils


      The JarUtils class was removed from VFS3.  It didn't seem to fit in the VFS projects.  Most of the calls to it were to get the  jar suffixes to create a SuffixesExcludeFilter.


      Would a better solution be to use injection to get either the suffixes or even better a SuffixesExcludeFilter to exclude JARs? 


      If it does make sense to re-introduce the JarUtils, where is the best home?

        • 1. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
          Don't reintroduce it unless someone requires it.  Its only use is to store file extensions which shouldn't be static in the first place - it should be configurable by something in the deployer layer.  I thought we moved that list over someplace else already in fact?
          • 2. Re: Replacement for JarUtils

            The set of suffixes was added JARStructure  A static means for others to get at it was not added.  Is that the best place for it to live, and for other deployers to get access?

            • 3. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
              Since JARStructure has a public getSuffixes method, it really could be used as the authoritative source for the suffix set.  Other beans can get the set by injecting the suffixes property from JARStructure.  So I think we are set.
              • 4. Re: Replacement for JarUtils

                OK, I agree with not-needing-JarUtils,

                but we need to be consistent and track down all the places where this JU somehow kicked in (directly or transitively).


                VFSClassLoaderClassPathDeployer being one of this places -- as from jboss-dev ml discussion.


                I'm not saying we need to go out now and do super extensive search,

                we just need to be alert on similar things poping in -- I'll fix the VFSClassLoaderClassPathDeployer for now.