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1. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
dmlloyd Feb 16, 2010 6:26 PM (in response to johnbailey)Don't reintroduce it unless someone requires it. Its only use is to store file extensions which shouldn't be static in the first place - it should be configurable by something in the deployer layer. I thought we moved that list over someplace else already in fact? -
2. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
johnbailey Feb 16, 2010 6:31 PM (in response to dmlloyd)The set of suffixes was added JARStructure A static means for others to get at it was not added. Is that the best place for it to live, and for other deployers to get access?
3. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
johnbailey Feb 16, 2010 9:40 PM (in response to dmlloyd)Since JARStructure has a public getSuffixes method, it really could be used as the authoritative source for the suffix set. Other beans can get the set by injecting the suffixes property from JARStructure. So I think we are set. -
4. Re: Replacement for JarUtils
alesj Mar 11, 2010 5:44 AM (in response to johnbailey)OK, I agree with not-needing-JarUtils,
but we need to be consistent and track down all the places where this JU somehow kicked in (directly or transitively).
VFSClassLoaderClassPathDeployer being one of this places -- as from jboss-dev ml discussion.
I'm not saying we need to go out now and do super extensive search,
we just need to be alert on similar things poping in -- I'll fix the VFSClassLoaderClassPathDeployer for now.