1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2010 6:17 AM by timfox Go to original post
      • 15. Re: StompProtocolManager: Unable to send frame StompFrame[command=MESSAGE ...



        testing on a rather "low-end" - 2.1 GHz Core  2 Duo - notebook, the testSendAndReceiveMessage test in  StompStressTest.java client needs around 70 milliseconds per message. Same result with ConcurrentStompTest, around 70 msec/msg.


        I added

              // before send/receive loops

              long started = System.currentTimeMillis();

              // after send/receive loops, and after assertTrue(latch.await(count, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

              long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - started;
               double msecPerMsg = (double)elapsed / count;     
               log.info("Received " + count + " messages in " + elapsed + " msec,  " + msecPerMsg + " msec/msg");   
               assertTrue(elapsed < count * 50);


        If I modify the test code to only send messages, message rate is at 0.5  msec/msg (69.5 msec less than send & receive).


        I will do a fresh check out and repeat the test (now I have only deleted the eclipse-ouput folder and rebuilt the project in Eclipse).


        The tests with external (Delphi) Stomp clients still show good performance values, between 2000 and 3000 messages per second.



        • 16. Re: StompProtocolManager: Unable to send frame StompFrame[command=MESSAGE ...

          If you're requesting a receipt for each message, then you're going to get far lower performance than if you don't request a receipt since in the latter case pipelining can occur.


          You'll be basically measuring the latency of the network RTT


          Also persistent message performance will be less than non persistent message performance.

          • 17. Re: StompProtocolManager: Unable to send frame StompFrame[command=MESSAGE ...

            I have tested it with a fresh check-out, and find the same results.


            StompStressTest.java uses auto ack, it does not request receipts:


            frame = "SUBSCRIBE\n" + "destination:" + destination + "\n" + "ack:auto\n\n" + Stomp.NULL;

            The queue is created non-persistent:


            config.getQueueConfigurations().add(new CoreQueueConfiguration(destination, destination, null, false));


            At the moment I can see no other reasons why it is slower in the tests than with the external Stomp clients.


            Update: it works much better in Linux (Ubuntu) - the 70 msec/msg phenomenon appears on Windows (Vista). On Linux, the concurrent test performs at 2.5 msec/msg.

            • 18. Re: StompProtocolManager: Unable to send frame StompFrame[command=MESSAGE ...

              I haven't really looked at the STOMP implementation properly yet, but I'm going to take a thorough look at it, when I finished my other tasks in a few weeks.


              If you're not sending messages blocking, and message are non persistent, 4000 msgs per sec is *very slow*, even if both client and server or on the same machine.


              I'll take a look in a couple of weeks.

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