8 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2010 10:41 AM by plamarque

    GateIn and Exadel Fiji




      i'am trying to use Exadel Fiji in my Jsf/Richfaces GateIn WebProject. Has someone experience in this case ??


      at first i add the following jar's to the webproject





      when i'am calling the first fiji tag from taglib, i get the following exception


      Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.gatein.pc.portlet.impl.jsr168.api.RenderRequestImpl
              at com.exadel.fiji.renderkit.AbstractFlashRenderer.getMandatoryParams(AbstractFlashRenderer.java:130)
              at com.exadel.fiji.renderkit.AbstractFlashRenderer.getScriptParams(AbstractFlashRenderer.java:92)
              at com.exadel.fiji.renderkit.FlashRendererBase.doEncodeEnd(FlashRendererBase.java:162)
              at com.exadel.fiji.renderkit.FlashRendererBase.doEncodeEnd(FlashRendererBase.java:224)
              at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.RendererBase.encodeEnd(RendererBase.java:134)
              at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeEnd(UIComponentBase.java:861)
              at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:937)



      Anyone has an idea what i can do ?


      It's a portlet based Application so the RenderRequest and Response are portlet based.




      bye Holger

        • 1. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji
          does any of those jars you added provide javax.portlet.RenderRequest? If one of them does, remove it, those classes are provided by the portal itself.
          • 2. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

            You typically get that king of class cast when the undrlying framework attempts to case JSF's ExternalContext.getRequest() to an HttpServletRequest.

            In portal environnment, this assumption is false.


            I don't know anything about Fidji, so I can't help much more. HTH anyway.

            • 3. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

              Thanks for the advice,



              no Class in this Jar Files contains the javax.portlet.RenderRequest or extends this...

              • 4. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

                My bet is like Patrice's one.


                But since Fiji doesn't have source available it can be tell 100%


                Doing this kind of classcast is usually the number 1 culprit for a JSF framework to not work in a portal environment.

                You can ask the question on Exadel forum and push them for portlet support

                • 5. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

                  Thanks Thomas,


                  i have droped the discussion yesterday, but the forum is not so activ

                  Do you know if it work better with portlet-bridge 2.0 ?

                  • 6. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

                    It's really an issue with the JSF components (Fiji here) the portlet bridge can't do anything for this.


                    This is why for JBoss Portlet Bridge we work closely with RichFaces (AJAX JSF components) team and we do QA of RichFaces components in a portal

                    • 7. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

                      Do you know any chart component i can use in portlet enviroment with jsf and richfaces ?


                      To integrate GWT is also not so easy, i thing. (GWT Ajax JS libs and Richfaces Ajax JS libs, are a little bit different )

                      • 8. Re: GateIn and Exadel Fiji

                        HolgerAin wrote:


                        To integrate GWT is also not so easy, i thing. (GWT Ajax JS libs and Richfaces Ajax JS libs, are a little bit different )


                        I don't know if GWT support of charting is good, but I know iIt's fairly easy to implement GWT gadgets.

                        Check here : http://code.google.com/p/gwt-google-apis/wiki/GadgetsGettingStarted


                        Gatein has a builtin gadget container.  To display your gwt gadget in gatein,  you then have 2 options : lay it on the Dashboard portlet or use the simple gadget wrapper portlet.

                        See a few apps written with this technology and runing on gatein here : http://gwt.demo.exoplatform.org/portal/public/classic/

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