1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 18, 2010 10:32 AM by adamw

    Bulk update in JPA / Hibernate => envers is not working...


      In my project I have gotten the following error behaviour of envers:


      if I use   this code to delete my entites :   EntityManager em =>   em.remove(...) then the deleted entities are written to the history table, but....


      if the following code is used to delete multiple entites at a time ("batch delete") =>  em.createQuery("delete entity e where e.prop1 = xyz").executeUpdate();  envers doesn't write anything to the audit table. Can it be, that Hibernate listeners which envers is using to hook into the entity lifecycle are not working properly with bulk updates?


      I am intending to open a new JIRA issue on this, just being curious if someone else has encountered the same problem....