1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Apr 19, 2010 10:17 PM by sduskis Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Community Track Nominations


        RESTEasy and Spring MVC


        Target  Audience:

        Web Application Developers, SOA/Integration Developers & Architects



        REST is a distributed programming paradigm that can bridge SOA implementations and web application platform.  JAX-RS is geared more towards the SOA vision, but is gaining steam towards implementing more robust web sites.  Spring MVC started as a platform for robust web sites, but recently gained more SOA capabilities by borrowing insights from the JAX-RS spec.


        The JAX-RS specification has drawn tremendous kudos from the community  at large, so why does the Spring MVC REST  services use a completely different API that more or less copy the JAX-RS specification?  How does Spring MVC's REST implementation compare to the JAX-RS specifications and implementations? RESTEasy integrates really well Spring MVC; what does the end user  gain from that synergy? 


        As someone who has feet in both technologies, I'll give  you as much insight into the coopetition between the two REST  technologies as well as some REST history and philosophy.



        Solomon Duskis – Principal, SunGard Consulting Services


        Solomon has been building dynamic websites off and on for the last 15 years.  Over the last 5 years, he built high traffic Spring MVC based sites with a smattering of RESTEasy SOA over the last year and a half.  He authored "Spring Persistence: A Running Start" and maintains "The New York Java Consultant" blog.

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