1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 6, 2009 7:04 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Problem with Rich:modal panel in opera 9.6 browser.



      I am experiencing a different issue with the modalpanel. I am using modalpanel, which is to be displayed for validation message and success/failure form submition.

      The issue is when modalpanel is displayed, the form at the background will be masked and modalpanel is displayed on it. And when closed the masked region is released. This the actual case and it works fine in all browsers.

      But in opera 9.6 it doesnt support some features of it. Here in this browser the center alignment is not supporting, were as it displays modalpanel at different axis but not in the middle of the active window. Another case is tht, when the modal panel is closed the masked region is released onl;y for the which holds the modal panel but not for the whole active window.

      This issue reflects as when modalpanel closed, it resemblems as like modal panel is hidden back to mask released division.

      Help, could anyone help me to resolve this issue or have anyone experienced the same.

      Sample code of modalpanel.

      <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
      <rich:modalPanel id="messagepanel" resizeable="false" left="auto" top="auto" minHeight="200" minWidth="400" height="175" width="350" zindex="5000">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="Message" />

      ///something goes here


      Note: I use Richfaces 3.3.0