1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2010 7:35 AM by meetoblivion Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

        Actually, upon further review, I realize I made a mistake.  The cacheConfigurationName property used to work for the JBossCache connector prior to 0.6.  It was never set up correctly on the InfinispanConnector.  Sorry for the bad info.


        For what it's worth,MODE-711 is very high on the priority list of things to fix.  It should get committed a day or two after MODE-714.

        • 16. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

          Brian, for the JNDI workaround, do you bind Infinispan to the JNDI in the same JVM as ModeShape?  Would you post your code to do this as I am having issues getting the lookup to work.  Wondering where/how you are deploying ModeShape in relation to the Infinispan deploy?

          • 17. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

            I'm travelling this week with somewhat dodgy access.  This is preventing me from converting the Infinispan test case below to 'Shape, but it should be straightforward in theory.




            I believe that Infinispan's JNDI binding doesn't handle remote lookups.  That is, it has to be accessed in the same JVM in which it was bound.  Please don't take my word as gospel on Infinispan though

            • 18. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

              Got it to work.  Issue was that I was deploying to Tomcat6 and it's JNDI is read-only so could not bind the cacheMgr.  Switched to JBossAS 6 and it works perfectly.  Thanks!

              • 19. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

                MODE-711 is fixed in trunk now.  Hopefully, that will make this kind of stuff easier to use in the future.  Thanks for your patience and persistence!

                • 20. Re: Utilizing Infinispan's GridFilesystem

                  Alright so.. (I know, I'm late to the party)


                  cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(cacheConfigurationName)


                  I'm fine with that, but the property should be renamed to cacheConfigurationFile or something like that - cacheConfigurationName makes me think of cache name, which seems to not be what we're looking at here.  i also believe this takes file system and classpath resolution into account, so I don't think we have much of a problem with it, just doesn't have the inline data style (which I would have imagined to be an xml doc inside of an xml doc in order to implement) which is fine by me.

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