1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 15, 2010 6:19 PM by clebert.suconic

    Why HornetQResourceAdapter uses InVMConnectionFactory




      I was checking $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/hornetq-ra.rar/META-INF/ra.xml and I saw following:


               <description>The transport type</description>

      ... ... ...




      What is the exact meaning of this?


      Is my following assumption correct?

      - HornetQ is used within JBoss AS (v. 5.1)

      - JBoss is started on a remote host

      - An MDB is deployed inside the remote JBoss and annotated (@ResourceAdapter("hornetq-ra.rar")) to use HornetQ and listen to the queue configured within HornetQ.

      The MDB cannot consume the messages which are put in the queue by a remote client using Netty connection factory.

      Is this a valid assumption?


      Please provide some more details.




        • 1. Re: Why HornetQResourceAdapter uses InVMConnectionFactory

          A lot of users will choose to deploy HornetQ inside the application server, what is the default approach.



          For that, instead of going through TCP, we have MDBs talking to the server through the InVM Adaptor.



          You may choose to change this if you decide to deploy HornetQ standalone or having the MDBs talking to a remote server. There's actually an example doing that on the distribution.