1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 21, 2010 3:17 AM by ataylor

    Message ordering within Topic



         We have a system where we are highly dependent upon the message ordering on topic fired from the server, but we are just unable to achieve this as in JBM topic doesn't support strict message ordering.

      Does, HornetQ supports strict message ordering for topic.


      Following is the link to my previous post, in which Howard suggested me to come here.




      System Description

           JBoss AS 4.2.3GA

           Sun Java 1.6.0u18


      Work Flow

      1. User performs some operation on the client.
      2. against each change in values in the database (that changes the state of the database), we are firing events to a queue.
      3. Events from the queue are listened by callback listener on the server to execute callback operations.
      4. Once Callback operation is executed, the event is then fired to a public topic,
      5. A MDB is also there, listing to public topic.
      6. Other JMS clients are also there to perform operations on receiving messages.


      Now, in the whole work flow, we have noticed that number of times order of messages received at the clients end are different from that in what they were actually fired.


      So, we are looking for a solution that guarantee the ordering of messages for topic.