I found this impementation example to register a EJB3 stateless beam but it doesn't work :
@RemoteBindings({@RemoteBinding(factory = RemoteBindingDefaults.PROXY_FACTORY_IMPLEMENTATION_IOR)})
@IIOP(interfaceRepositorySupported = false)
public class SebTestImpl implements SebTest {
public String getGreeting() {
return "Hello from JBoss";
(I'm testing with the -all setup of the server ..., The Mico / Ejb2 sample works well on both versions ...)
So, if someone who develop this stuff could explain what is the right invocation in correspondance with the right server version, it would be great.
In the current state of the art it is not usable.
Have you succeeded to use IIOP with EJB3 in JBoss 6 ?