0 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2010 10:31 AM by steelman22

    How to remove old WS Endpoints?

      Hi everyone,


      Recently I've started playing around with JBoss ESB. I'm using version 4.7.

      While I was exploring quickstart examples I messed something up with WS-Endpoints.

      I can't find any way to repair it - running new instance of Jbossesb-server would not help.

      I tried looking for some endpoint configurations in system directories but with no effect.

      I'm working on testing Debian distro.



      Here's error i get during deployment:


      ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployment: file:/tmp/jbossesb-server-4.7/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp2524891532097446242SiusSellerService.esb-contents/SellerService.war
      java.lang.IllegalStateException: Endpoint already registered: jboss.ws:context=Quickstart_webservice_producer_esb,endpoint=SellerServiceWS
      at org.jboss.wsf.framework.management.DefaultEndpointRegistry.register(DefaultEndpointRegistry.java:89)



      My questions is how could i remove those endpoints?

      I also get errors when trying to deploy example with a totally new name of endpoint.




      best regards,