6 Replies Latest reply on May 15, 2010 3:10 PM by timfox

    Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage


      Is it possible to limit the amount of space that is consumed, on physical disk, by the hornetq broker.  Either on a per queue or server instance basis?

      And when the limit has been hit, either block the producer or discard the message and send an exception to notify them of space issue?


      Cheers in advance.


        • 1. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

          Have you tried the User Manual, section Blocking producer window based flow control?

          • 2. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

            Yup, have looked at the manual and Producer Flow Control, and this seems to indicate that is in based on blocking the producer based on Memory Consumption, not based on Disk Space Usage:



            For example, if I have a JMS queue called "myqueue", I could set the  maximum                memory size to 10MiB, and the the server will control the  number of credits sent to                any producers which are sending any messages to myqueue  such that the total messages                in the queue never exceeds 10MiB.

            When the address  gets full, producers will block on the client side until more                space frees up on the address, i.e. until messages are  consumed from the queue thus                freeing up space for more messages to be sent.



            It says it is an alternative to Paging, but doesn't indicate if both can be used.  I.e.  If memory usage for an address grows above X, then page.  Then is the paged to store has reached X size, block.



            Does Producer Flow Control act just based on JVM Memory Usage, or is it based on a combination of JVM Mem + Disk Storge Size.  Docs, seem to tend towards JVM, but it's not fully clear.




            • 3. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

              If you limit the amount of memory used, that will limit the amount of disk space used too.

              • 4. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

                Cheers Tim,

                Thank you very much for clearing that up. I'll give it all a go.

                I'm trying to get HornetQ up and running next to ActiveMQ, rather than have all my eggs in the ActiveMQ basket.



                • 5. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

                  Hi again,


                  Sorry to bother you again with this.  I have had a play around with various broker configurations, but I'm still unable to figure out how to:


                  • Page Messages to disk, when X amount of memory (jvm) is used and then
                    • Block (or send and exception to) the producer when X amount of physical disk space has been consumed


                  I'm able to:


                  • Page messages to disk (The amount of disk space consumed, grows and grows as messages are produced)
                  • Block the producer when X memory (jvm) has been consumed


                  But I'm trying to:


                  • Page messages to disk, and limit the amount of Disk Space Consumed when paging occurs.  When the Disk Space limit is reached, the producer can be either blocked or sent a message say there is no space left (configurable)


                  What am I missing/mis-reading? Is what I am trying to achieve possible currently?



                  The following shows the various configurations attempted, all with the same producer code and a durable queue:

                  (HornetQ Server version 2.0.0.GA)


                  ClientProducer producer = session.createProducer("VirtualTopic.CWWTF");

                  ClientMessage message = session.createMessage(true);

                  message.putStringProperty("myprop", "Hello sent at " + new Date());



                        <queue name="VirtualTopic.${SERVER_DATACENTER:CWWTF}">



                  Paging ( but disk space growing - not limited to 10Mb):


                        <!--default for catch all-->
                         <address-setting match="VirtualTopic.CWWTF">
                        <address-setting match="#">
                  dominic-tootells-macbook-pro-2:data dominict$ du -sh *
                  2.0M    bindings
                  20M    journal
                    0B    large-messages
                  48M    paging


                  dominic-tootells-macbook-pro-2:data dominict$ ls -lh paging/0040df17-5ffd-11df-808a-005056c00008/
                  total 98328
                  -rw-r--r--  1 dominict  staff    50K 15 May 09:36 000000001.page
                  -rw-r--r--  1 dominict  staff    50K 15 May 09:36 000000002.page


                  Blocking Producer (but no paging occuring)




                        <address-setting match="VirtualTopic.CWWTF">
                        <address-setting match="#">


                  dominic-tootells-macbook-pro-2:data dominict$ du -sh *
                  2.0M    bindings
                  20M    journal
                    0B    large-messages


                  Block Producer, (but Set Max Size larger than broker memory - Broker Crashes, due to low memory: 256Mb broker mem, 400mb max size):


                         <address-setting match="VirtualTopic.CWWTF">


                  PSYoungGen      total 62912K, used 37358K [0x0000000115fc0000, 0x000000011b510000, 0x000000011b510000)
                    eden space 37376K, 99% used [0x0000000115fc0000,0x000000011843b8d0,0x0000000118440000)
                    from space 25536K, 0% used [0x0000000119c20000,0x0000000119c20000,0x000000011b510000)
                    to   space 24448K, 0% used [0x0000000118440000,0x0000000118440000,0x0000000119c20000)
                  PSOldGen        total 174784K, used 174783K [0x000000010b510000, 0x0000000115fc0000, 0x0000000115fc0000)
                    object space 174784K, 99% used [0x000000010b510000,0x0000000115fbfff8,0x0000000115fc0000)
                  PSPermGen       total 21504K, used 21075K [0x0000000106110000, 0x0000000107610000, 0x000000010b510000)
                    object space 21504K, 98% used [0x0000000106110000,0x00000001075a4f28,0x0000000107610000)


                  On trying to start the broker (after hang).


                  DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR:
                    Deployment "JMSServerManager" is in error due to: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


                      at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.deployment.AbstractKernelDeployer.internalValidate(AbstractKernelDeployer.java:278)
                      at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.deployment.AbstractKernelDeployer.validate(AbstractKernelDeployer.java:174)



                  Attempt with a Wild Card Address (paging disk space consumed just grows):



                         <address-setting match="VirtualTopic.#">


                  dominic-tootells-macbook-pro-2:data dominict$ du -sh *
                  2.0M    bindings
                  20M    journal
                    0B    large-messages
                  208M    paging


                  dominic-tootells-macbook-pro-2:data dominict$ ls -lh paging/019b5f3d-601a-11df-b330-005056c00008/
                  total 433232


                  -rw-r--r--  1 dominict  staff   1.0M 15 May 13:04 000000001.page



                  Thanks in advance, apologies if I'm just not reading something correctly in the docs.


                  • 6. Re: Limiting Physical Disk Space Usage

                    Dominic Tootell wrote:


                    Is what I am trying to achieve possible currently?



                    No, it's not currently supported.