2 Replies Latest reply on May 21, 2010 9:06 AM by owklqm

    Searching facility on jboss cache pojo edition

      Hello everybody,


      I am a new user of Jboss cache pojo edition, and I have a question about seaching data in the cache. In fact, I would like to achieve something like "SELECT * from table where text=?".


      I have an application with higly volatile data, and I think I made a great choise by using jboss cache. Regarding writing performance, it is awesome compared to mysql performance, however, when it come to make something like "SELECT....", mysql tends to be better as with jboss cache I have to "find" all the node i need in a loop...


      I have read about searchable edition, however, it seems it does not work with pojo edition.


      Do you have any workaround for getting jboss cache better in this case?


      Thank you in advance,




      PS : I would like to thank the development team for this great product. Sorry for my english...