4 Replies Latest reply on May 24, 2010 2:41 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    trouble with modalpanel in ie7 and ie8


      we use richfaces 3.3.2, and got trouble with several modalpanels. sometimes they don't appear.


      this is a very critical error for us. if someone could help it would be very nice.


      i  found on a website to don't use rerender for the whole modalpanel, as we do. could this be our problem?


      code to show the modalpanel is



      <a4j:commandButton value="Upload" oncomplete="Richfaces.showModalPanel('upload')" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''" action="#{WorkflowPage.cleardocnrversion}" limitToList="true" ajaxSingle="true" process="upload" reRender="upload" >



      and modalpanel is


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <ui:composition  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
      <rich:modalPanel id="upload"   height="300"   width="460"  left="30px"   overlapEmbedObjects="true"  zindex="333" rendered="true"   style="overflow:visible">
        <f:facet name="header">
          <h:outputText value="Upload"></h:outputText>
          <a4j:form id="uploadform"  style="z-index:333">
               <a4j:queue requestDelay="0" sizeExceededBehavior="dropNew" ignoreDupResponses="true"
          size="50" id="eventQueue" name="eventQueue"/>
          <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true" style="z-index:333">   
          <h:messages id="uploaderror"  styleClass="message"  style="color:red;" />
             <rich:fileUpload    immediateUpload="true"  addControlLabel="Hinzufügen" maxFilesQuantity="1"    progressLabel="Datei wird übertragen" doneLabel="Datei übertragen" clearControlLabel="Löschen"   clearAllControlLabel="Löschen"  uploadControlLabel="Übertragen"   fileUploadListener="#{Page.listener}" style="z-index:433"  cancelEntryControlLabel="Abbrechen"  listWidth="430px" listHeight="60px"  >
               <a4j:support event="onuploadcomplete"  eventsQueue="eventQueue" action="#{Page.enablesavedoc}"  reRender="btnokupload,docframe" ajaxSingle="true" limitToList="true" ></a4j:support>

        <rich:spacer height="5px"/>
          <rich:separator />
             <a4j:commandButton id="btnokupload" value="Speichern" disabled="#{Page.savedok}"  onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''"
          oncomplete="if ( document.getElementById('uploadform:uploaderror') ==null ) Richfaces.hideModalPanel('upload'); else this.disabled=false;"  
            styleClass="rich-button" action="#{Page.savedok}" reRender="uploadform
            onclick="this.disabled=true"  >
            <rich:toolTip>Speichert das Dokument und schließt den Dialog</rich:toolTip>
             <a4j:commandButton id="btncancelupload" value="Abbrechen" immediate="true"  onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''"
             onclick="Richfaces.hideModalPanel('upload')" styleClass="rich-button" reRender="upload,docframe" action="#{Page.clearnewmasterdoc}"
            <rich:toolTip direction="bottom-left" >Schließt den Dialog</rich:toolTip>

        • 1. Re: trouble with modalpanel in ie7 and ie8

          here's the a4j:log


          there is an error! don't know why


          debug[11:30:52,872]: Script evaluation succeeded
          debug[11:30:52,882]: Evaluate script replaced area in document: new ModalPanel('upload', { width: 460, height: 300, minWidth: -1, minHeight: -1, resizeable: true, moveable: true, left: "30px", top: "auto", zindex: 333,onresize: '',onmove: '',onshow: '',onhide: '',onbeforeshow: '',onbeforehide: '', domElementAttachment: "", keepVisualState: false, showWhenRendered: false, selectBehavior: "disable", autosized: false, overlapEmbedObjects: true});
          debug[11:30:52,918]: Script evaluation succeeded
          debug[11:30:52,928]: Evaluate script replaced area in document:
          error[11:30:52,946]: . Error message: Ungültiges Argument.
          debug[11:30:52,955]: call selectSingleNode for id= org.ajax4jsf.oncomplete
          debug[11:30:52,966]: Call request oncomplete function after processing updates
          debug[11:30:52,980]: call selectSingleNode for id= _ajax:data
          • 2. Re: trouble with modalpanel in ie7 and ie8

            Yes, it could be caused by reRender="upload" so please try to add outputPanel inside the modal panel and reRender it instead of whole panel.

            • 3. Re: trouble with modalpanel in ie7 and ie8

              hups...ahem...the sensitive reader knows i got problem with modalpanel...


              we even use it like that, to dynamically show modalpanels



              <a4j:outputPanel id="dlginclude" ajaxRendered="true">


              <ui:include src="#{Page.dialogSerializer().dialogURL}" />





              where dialogURL is a whole modalpanel. so this is no good idea?







              <a4j:include view="#{Page.dialogSerializer().dialogURL}" />





              would be a good idea?

              • 4. Re: trouble with modalpanel in ie7 and ie8

                both ways should be fine. In first case you updating not the modal panel directly but it's parent. But you should be very carefull with using ajaxRendered=true around panel - that could cause it unexpectedly updated and closed from any ajax controls inside.