1. Re: Embed JBoss JCA into your java program ?
jesper.pedersen Jun 2, 2010 2:20 PM (in response to xingcl)The JBJCA project (currently at 1.0.0.Alpha12) will feature an embedded mode:
We are looking for people to try it out and send us feedback on usability and any issues found.
Looking forward to your feedback.
2. Re: Embed JBoss JCA into your java program ?
xingcl Jun 2, 2010 9:27 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Thanks for your prompt response!
I am interested in trying the embedded mode. I checked the document that you pasted, it's too abstract. Actually, it just shows how to deploy one RA into the container.
Are there any detailed samples or guides to explain how to invoke the deployed RA ? for example, issue one outbound request from Java code; or receive one inbound notification.
3. Re: Embed JBoss JCA into your java program ?
jesper.pedersen Jun 3, 2010 9:08 AM (in response to xingcl)Once you have deployed your resource adapter you can use it as you normally would by looking up the ConnectionFactory and getting a connection from it.
This test case shows how the look up should be done:
We will add more documentation in this area once we hit the Beta phase, but community contributions are always welcome !
As to the inbound part - that part is optional in a standalone environment, so we will take a look later on what we can do. Contributions is also most welcome here
Start by checking out our source code
and send us your documentation patches as JIRAs while you are making progress in this area.
We are committed to the embedded use-case as we use it ourselves to actually test the container