0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2010 10:55 PM by himdev8

    Jboss Esb jmsProvider cannot convert WSMQ JMS  JMSTextMessage


      I am trying to integrate IBMMQ v6.0.2 with jbossESB. 
      we  have local Queue available on IBMMQ on one of our QA QUEUEMANAGER.
      I am able to listen to the QUEUE using JMSprovider of jboss ESB. As soon as a message (of type jms_text ) is dropped , esb listen to it and pick it up and before it hit the next action it throws following error message.


      > ERROR [JmsComposer] Unsupported JMS message type: com.ibm.jms.JMSTextMessage


      Here are the steps I followed.
      <li> jboss-service.mxl  : Defined Connection Factory  and QUEUE
      <li> added jars ( com.ibm.mq.* ) to ${jbossesb}/server/${mynode}/lib
      <li> Added jms lsinterner configuration on jboss-esb.xml


      Please guide me what I m missing here... Do I need to create custom MessagePlugin ?


      <b>jboss-esb looks like this </b>


          <jms-provider name="WSMQ" connection-factory="MQQueueConnectionFactory">
               <jms-bus busid="queuestartGwChannel"> <jms-message-filter
                             acknowledge-mode ="AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE"
               <jms-bus busid="queuestartEsbChannel">


      <b>jboss-service.xml looks like this</b>


             <mbean code="jmx.service.wsmq.WSMQConnectionFactory"
              <attribute name="JndiName">MQQueueConnectionFactory</attribute>
              <attribute name="JMSStyle">Queue</attribute>
              <attribute name="IsXA">false</attribute>
              <attribute name="QueueManagerName">SQAT0083</attribute>
              <attribute name="HostName"></attribute>
              <attribute name="Port">1415</attribute>
              <attribute name="Channel">MYCO.SVRCONN</attribute>
              <attribute name="TransportType">CLIENT</attribute>
            <mbean code="jmx.service.wsmq.WSMQDestination"
               <attribute name="JndiName">wsmq/SerivceOrderQueue</attribute>
               <attribute name="JMSStyle">Queue</attribute>
               <attribute name="QueueManagerName">SQAT0083</attribute>
               <attribute name="DestinationName">MYCO.SERVICEORDER.QA01.QL01</attribute>
               <attribute name="TargetClient">MQ</attribute>


      I am using jboss-eap-4.3. Really appreciate any help.