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1. Re: What is the minimum configuration to register a Deployer?
bosschaert Jun 3, 2010 6:51 AM (in response to bosschaert)Ok, it looks like I found the answer to my own question. My deployer was indeed getting registered, but the Main.deploy() call wasn't passing through the deployer chain. Dropping a jar file in the sandbox did actually get my deployer triggered...
2. Re: What is the minimum configuration to register a Deployer?
alesj Jun 3, 2010 7:08 AM (in response to bosschaert)I can see that the constructor of my SimpleDeployer is getting called, but it doesn't get any deployment callbacks when I call Main.deploy() later on...
Main::deploy goes directly into Kernel' registry, it doesn't go over "real deployment" aka over VirtualDeploymentFramework.