3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2010 4:45 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Navigation from header page modal panel to body


      Hello All,


      In my facelets applciation i have a Layout which have two ui:include jsps for header and the body. Now in my header jsp i have a included jsp using a4j:include which consists of a model pop up. In modal pop up i have an action.. on click of the action my model pop up in header should be closed and there should be a navigation in body.jsp. I tried giving the global navigation but it says


      "UIInclude component modelinclude could't include page with path /views/modeliclude/ModalInclude.xhtml"


      Here modelinclude is the id of the a4j:include in header jsp and ModalInclude.xhtml is the facelet where i have the modal panel


      can any one tell me how do enable naviagation in the body.xhtml on the action of header??