0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 16, 2010 7:22 AM by objectiser

    New roadmap for review


      Over the past couple of weeks, a number of new jiras have been created to reflect features that are required over the next year of development. These tasks have been divided into two releases, 1.1.0 and 1.2.0. It is expected that 1.1.0 will be released around the end of the year, with 1.2.0 around June/July next year.


      The focus for 1.1.0 is:


      1. To begin work on the Testable Integration Architecture Project Descriptor - for this release it will be edited using an XML editor, although a graphical/form based editor will be created in 1.2.0.
      2. To create the new validation framework around this descriptor, initially just for use in the Eclipse environment, but later in Guvnor and other environments.
      3. Define a subset of CDL that is compatible with the behaviour found in other service description languages (e.g. BPEL).
        1. Provide a configurable filter in the Choreography Editor to hide the unsupported constructs
        2. Provide validation rules that check a choreography description for conformance to this subset when used in a TIA project descriptor
      4. JAX-WS based sevice validator, to enable runtime monitoring of a web service (including BPEL processes). Currently this will need to integrate with the existing JBossESB service validator mechanism. A more general service validator framework will be provided in 1.2.0.


      The 'Roadmap' link on the Savara website now points directly to the roadmap page in the SAVARA jira.


      Please review the roadmap for 1.1.0 and 1.2.0, and provide feedback on any issues found.