0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 17, 2010 11:08 AM by thomas.diesler

    Fragment delegates not attached to policy


      In our fragment support we currently attach the fragment's VFS root to OSGiClassLoaderPolicy . The related discussion is Initial support for Fragments


      Although this works for most of the use cases we cover, it doe not work for JBOSGI-346


      The bundle's local packages are considered after its imports. If an attached fragment imports a package, that package hides the bundle's local package with the same name.


            // Bundle-SymbolicName: simple-hostA
            // Private-Package: org.jboss.test.osgi.fragments.hostA, org.jboss.test.osgi.fragments.subA 
            // Bundle-SymbolicName: simple-hostB
            // Export-Package: org.jboss.test.osgi.fragments.subA
            // Private-Package: org.jboss.test.osgi.fragments.hostB 
            // Bundle-SymbolicName: simple-fragB
            // Import-Package: org.jboss.test.osgi.fragments.subA
            // Fragment-Host: simple-hostA
            hostA.loadClass(subA) is expected to come from hostB


      What is the proper way to modify a host's policy when a fragment attaches/detaches?

      Perhaps we can do this similar to the WildcardDelegateLoader.

