2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 10, 2010 3:35 AM by hbender

    Hot deploy of applet library not working




      Working with DevStudio 3.0.0.


      I have a war project which is embedded in a ear project. The war has an embedded applet which is located in <war-root>/applets (as jar file). The IDE is configured to do hot deploy.


      If I update the applet with a new version then the DevStudio will deploy this new version to the server. But it seems that JBoss has some serious problems with jar resources which are not libraries for the server itself. Every five seconds it logs a bundle of warnings like this:


      15:42:15.185 (464969) WARN  [HDScanner] org.jboss.logging.Logger.warn(Logger.java:352) - Exception synching file: ZipEntryHandler@1197733[path=PrivacyPUK-ear.ear/PrivacyPUK.war/applets/CardReaderApplet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF context=file:/C:/jbdevstudio_v3.0/jboss-eap/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/ real=file:/C:/jbdevstudio_v3.0/jboss-eap/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/PrivacyPUK-ear.ear/PrivacyPUK.war/applets/CardReaderApplet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF], cause: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\jbdevstudio_v3.0\jboss-eap\jboss-as\server\default\tmp\4sg1r-k1onth-gapclowr-1-gapcm3x4-v\PrivacyPUK-ear.ear\PrivacyPUK.war\applets\CardReaderApplet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF (The system cannot find the path specified)


      It seems that it cannot synchronize with some stuff in the temp folder.


      The same occurs with an arbitrary jar file (i.e. thrid party libraries needed by my applet) putted into this applet sub folder.


      To workaround this problem I have to stop the JBoss server, delete all content in temp folder, delete my ear deploy, click a "full publish" in the server view of my IDE, restart JBoss. This is not what I expect from the hot deploy feature. The applet jar is only a resource file in the context of the server. JBoss should not look into it, just deliver to the client browser if requested. Is this a know bug? Or I'm doing something wrong?


      Thks for help


        • 1. Re: Hot deploy of applet library not working

          I honestly haven't tried your exact setup but I would like to figure out what is going on.


          It is though not exactly a JBDS issue, but more an AS/EAP runtime issue.


          Could you reproduce this with a minimal testcase and report it against JBoss AS jira and let me know the link and i'll follow through there ?

          • 2. Re: Hot deploy of applet library not working

            Hi Max


            Sorry for not answering until now, I was in holidays.


            I have no idea how to write a testcase about my problem. It's a deployment issue. Just drop a non-library jar file into the deploy folder where normally resources are stored (e.g. into the war root beside the xhtml files) and see what happens.

