1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 24, 2009 6:41 PM by joneian

    Unexpected POJO Cache events



      I'm very impressed with the POJO cache, it does exactly what I'm looking for. I'm interested in performing updates to the cache, and getting the events in a client. I've written an app to test this out, and I'm getting more events than I expect.

      Here is the POJO:

      public class Order {
       private Long id;
       private String counterparty;
       private BigDecimal amount;
      // getters and setters ....

      Here is the server which is:
      1) adding a POJO to the Cache,
      2) modifying it,
      3) then detaching it.
      public class JBCacheTestServer {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       PojoCache cache = PojoCacheFactory.createCache("replSync-service.xml");
       long id=0;
       while (true) {
       Order order = createOrder(); // creates an Order object with random data
       log.info("Created order: " + order);
       cache.attach(order.getId().toString(), order);
       sleep(); // sleeps for a while
       log.info("Updating order: " + order);
       log.info("Deleting order: " + order);

      And here's the client listening to the cache:
      public class JBCacheTestClient {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       PojoCache cache = PojoCacheFactory.createCache("replSync-service.xml");
       cache.addListener(new ClientCacheListener());
       public static class ClientCacheListener {
       public void onAttachEvent(AttachedEvent event) {
       log.info("attached: " + event);
       public void onFieldModifiedEvent(FieldModifiedEvent event) {
       log.info("modified:" + event);
       public void onDetachedEvent(DetachedEvent event) {
       log.info("detached:" + event);

      Here's the log output of the server once it gets into the loop:
      36035 [main] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.server.JBCacheTestServer - Created order: id:null, cpty: ian, amount:1528.1274530155354
      36070 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      39268 [Timer-1,] DEBUG org.jgroups.protocols.FD - sending are-you-alive msg to (own address=
      46080 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      46082 [main] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.server.JBCacheTestServer - Updating order: id:2, cpty: rachel, amount:1528.1274530155354
      49269 [Timer-3,] DEBUG org.jgroups.protocols.FD - sending are-you-alive msg to (own address=
      56082 [main] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.server.JBCacheTestServer - Deleting order: id:2, cpty: rachel, amount:1528.1274530155354
      56089 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      56778 [Timer-4,] DEBUG org.jgroups.protocols.MERGE2 - is looking for merge candidates, found initial_mbrs=[[own_addr=, coord_addr=, is_server=true], [own_addr=, coord_addr=, is_server=true]]

      And here's the log for the client:
      29629 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      29651 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - attached: org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.AttachedEvent[source=1528.1274530155354]
      29654 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - attached: org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.AttachedEvent[source=id:2, cpty: ian, amount:1528.1274530155354]
      29662 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      29662 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionTable - Found local TX=org.jboss.cache.transaction.DummyTransaction@91f0de, global TX=GlobalTransaction:<>:3
      32884 [Timer-2,] DEBUG org.jgroups.protocols.FD - sending are-you-alive msg to (own address=
      39664 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      39665 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - modified:org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.FieldModifiedEvent[source=id:2, cpty: ian, amount:1528.1274530155354]
      42884 [Timer-2,] DEBUG org.jgroups.protocols.FD - sending are-you-alive msg to (own address=
      49671 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      49673 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - detached:org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.DetachedEvent[source=id:2, cpty: rachel, amount:1528.1274530155354]
      49673 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - detached:org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.DetachedEvent[source=1528.1274530155354]
      49674 [Incoming-1,] INFO com.iandjones.jbcachetest.client.JBCacheTestClient - modified:org.jboss.cache.pojo.notification.event.FieldModifiedEvent[source=id:2, cpty: rachel, amount:null]
      49677 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.marshall.CacheMarshaller300 - Region does not exist for Fqn null - not using a context classloader.
      49677 [Incoming-1,] DEBUG org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionTable - Found local TX=org.jboss.cache.transaction.DummyTransaction@5585dc, global TX=GlobalTransaction:<>:4

      I'm expecting the 3 events previously mentioned, but I'm getting more:
      1) For the attach, I'm getting an attach for the amount attribute, and the one I expect for the object
      2) I get one event for the modify as expected, but the value in the object is the old value. I was expecting the new value. I know I can get it from event.getValue, but I just want the update object.
      3) For the detach, I get the expected detach for the object, then a detach for the amount attribute, and then a modify for the detached object.

      Given the object cache mapping model, I'm not all that surprised that I'm getting these events. However, I don't think I should get these events. I can filter out the attribute events by checking the type of the event source object, but I still get that odd final modification event for the object thats been detached.

      POJO Cache events don't seem to be exhaustively documented, is this how it should work? Am I listening to the correct events?

      Thanks for your help,

      JBoss Cache core: 3.0.2 GA
      JBoss POJO Cache: 3.0.0 GA

        • 1. Re: Unexpected POJO Cache events


          I think I may have made my original post too detailed for anyone to find the questions burried in it. So to summarise:

          1) When I get a FieldModifiedEvent why does the event source object not contain the modification that triggered the event?

          2) Why do I get a FieldModifiedEvent for an object after a DetachedEvent for an object that has been detached?

