1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 1, 2010 8:34 PM by clebert.suconic

    InVM ConnectionTTL will never fail?


      If a Session is never garbage collected and the transport is inVM will ConnectionTTL ever trigger?  I couldn't really find this out.  Since there is no Connection nor Ping in the REST interface, I'll need to do my own session timeout code if the answer is, NO: inVM Session ConnectionTTL will never trigger without GC.

        • 1. Re: InVM ConnectionTTL will never fail?

          If a Session is never GCed it means something is holding a reference... So.. that means.. the session is valid right. We have no way to distinguish if the session is valid or not.


          I thought you were using a pool of JMSSessions instead of keeping them referenced on something similar to a HTTPSession.