1. Re: Jboss starts very slow
jaikiran Jul 15, 2010 4:34 AM (in response to kesson)Eugene Kashin wrote:
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto property, but I don't know where it is.
If it's hibernate which is updating/creating the schema, then that property will be present in persistence.xml or hibernate.cfg.xml of your application .ear file.
2. Re: Jboss starts very slow
cullendw Jul 19, 2010 12:31 PM (in response to kesson)Try use jboss profiler(http://jboss.org/jbossprofiler) - this can give you method level execution times. Set the hotspot time to something like 5 seconds to filter out the methods which are behaving themselves. Hopefully this can give you a breakdown of what your problem method calls are ...
3. Re: Jboss starts very slow
cullendw Jul 19, 2010 12:33 PM (in response to kesson)I would also use jconsole to look at what your jvm memory is doing
4. Re: Jboss starts very slow
kesson Jul 21, 2010 6:39 AM (in response to jaikiran)Thank you, at least it gave me freedom to choose whether to update a schema or not.
5. Re: Jboss starts very slow
ruchirc Jul 22, 2010 7:42 PM (in response to kesson)Some of the reasons which I see it as follows.
01>Right version of type4 driver
02>Too many thinkings in static methods or too many calls in init() methods
03>Did you tried trimming of Jboss
04>What JDK you are using
05>what is the max and min connection setting in ora-ds.xml
06>Which version of Hibernate you are using
07>Can you try to start the Jboss without polling to DB, see what is the difference
08>What is the per gen setup you are using
09>Are you using default class loader or you have changed something there
10>Please disable hot deployment if its on
Try these options I am sure you will able to pinpoint the problem.
Ruchir Choudhry