1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 22, 2010 4:00 PM by clebert.suconic

    Question on HQ Addresses




      I am trying to understand how HQ addressing works. Assume that I have a single address defined as:


      <address-setting match="#">

           <!-- 10485760 = 10 Meg -->






      Now, if I have 5 JMS queues defined, does that equate to 5 addresses or just 1 address?


      Also based on the above configuration does it mean that for each of my 5 queues, the max amount of memory that HQ will use to store messages (in memory) is 10M. And for each individual destination, if the amount of memory required exceeds 10M, then paging will occur for that specific destination.




      does it mean that cumulatively the max amount of memory that HQ will  use to store messages (in memory) is 10M. And if the amount of memory required exceeds 10M, then paging  will occur for all destinations.


