3 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2009 7:40 PM by nbelaevski

    rich:editor inside rich:modalPanel


      I have some rich:editor inside rich:modalPanel, like this:

      <rich:modalPanel id="panelEditor" moveable="true" resizable="true" styleClass="nonModalPanelTrick"...>
       <f:facet name="header">
      <f:facet name="controls">
      ... <a4j:commandLink actionListener="..." oncomplete="#{rich:component('panelEditor')}.hide()" reRender="panelEditorBody">
       <h:graphicImage .... />
      <a4j:outputPanel layout="block" id="panelEditorBody">
       <rich:editor ...>
      When I call an actionListener an reRender the rich:modalPanel from above , it shows in the current .xhtml, but rich:editor seems to be disabled and can't write anything on it.
      Any ideas?
      I have been searching throgh Google but didn't find any solution.
      Thanks very much!