1. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
alrubinger Jul 27, 2010 8:07 AM (in response to kenglxn) -
2. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
alrubinger Jul 27, 2010 8:09 AM (in response to kenglxn)Ken Gullaksen wrote:
Workaround for now is to send pull requests to admin/users with R/W priv, and then have them pull, and push to ShrinkWrap central repo.
Yes, this is pretty standard practice, though it should be possible to send pull requests to committers via the authoritative repo.
3. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
alrubinger Jul 27, 2010 8:12 AM (in response to kenglxn)Michael Schuetz notes you must have cloned the authoritative repo to see the "Pull Request" button.
Either way, this mechanism is just a convenience. Pull requests may also be emailed or made via IRC. If you want to update the Wiki to formalize this process, great.
4. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
kenglxn Jul 27, 2010 8:27 AM (in response to alrubinger)So an overview of the process could be:
When starting work on an issue, pull from master, then:
1. Create a branch with JIRA ISSUE as name. e.g. SHRINKWRAP-214
2. Do your stuff and commit and push.
3. Issue a Pull Request with message like: "SHRINKWRAP-214 branch ready to be pulled"
Also as Aslak noted, we could work on several levels, like if an Issue depends on another. then branch out again from 214 to say 213. Then when 213 is done, push up to 214, branch then issue pull request saying "214 with dependencies: 213, is done"
5. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
kenglxn Jul 27, 2010 8:36 AM (in response to alrubinger)Andrew Rubinger wrote:
I'm not seeing this issue; am I simply not affected by this bug? Can issue pull requests to the organization just fine, and choose which admins specifically to request to.
Yeah, I can choose which admins to send to, but not to send to the organization itself. So I can send to ALR, aslak, and michaelschuetz but when I search for shrinkwrap, I only get "Ploongle" as a choice, hehe.
6. Re: Contributing and Pushing changes on github
kenglxn Jul 29, 2010 2:39 PM (in response to kenglxn)Ken Gullaksen wrote:
So an overview of the process could be:
When starting work on an issue, pull from master, then:
1. Create a branch with JIRA ISSUE as name. e.g. SHRINKWRAP-214
2. Do your stuff and commit and push.
3. Issue a Pull Request with message like: "SHRINKWRAP-214 branch ready to be pulled"
Also as Aslak noted, we could work on several levels, like if an Issue depends on another. then branch out again from 214 to say 213. Then when 213 is done, push up to 214, branch then issue pull request saying "214 with dependencies: 213, is done"
More specific:
1. Pull latest from remote{code}$ git pull upstream master {code}2. make branch for issue{code}$ git branch SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}3. switch to issue branch{code}$ git checkout SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}4. add your changes (we preferably want one commit to local repo containing all changes. As an atomic unit of work. So changes can be rolled back for one commit without affecting other things)5. commit your changess with descriptive message and containing JIRA issue reference{code}$ git commit {code}6. review your changes. things you can use include:{code}$ gitk {code}and{code}$ git log -p -1 {code}*NOTE:* if you see that you have errors in the commit, you can fix the branch in several ways, described next section.7. push branch to authorative repo{code}$ git push origin SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}8. issue a pull request using the git gui, or you could email----*Fixing branch can be done in several ways, including the following:*Delete the branch and create a new one{code}$ git checkout master {code}{code}$ git branch -D SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}and If you have pushed the branch (note the colon){code}$ git push origin :SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}create a new branch{code}$ git branch SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}switch to branch{code}$ git checkout SHRINKWRAP-214 {code}