1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 3, 2010 3:05 AM by ramkumarso

    Trouble deploying a SLSB as a HASingleton in a cluster


      Requirement: To have a single object(will contain runtime info) at cluster level sothat it can be looked up from various services in other nodes. Obviously it should failover in case of master node coming down.I am not worried about the info contained within as it can be refreshed.


      Experiment: Thought SLSB could help me and tried to deploy a SLSB(mySLSB.jar) as described here. Replaced the timer with a simple HashMap which has get/set to lookup.


      mySLSB.jar has just three files 1) interface 2) Bean and 3) jboss.xml as per above link and are deployed under deploy/my.ear/mySLSB.jar


      mySLSB is started on node1 perfectly. The trouble is, it started on node2 too.  I can see STARTED EJB on both nodes.


      I am using 5.0.1 and appreciate any help.