1. Re: default page for url directories
jfclere Sep 10, 2010 9:55 AM (in response to mg123)<welcome-file>/redirect.jsp</welcome-file>
should be:
2. Re: default page for url directories
mg123 Sep 11, 2010 8:35 AM (in response to jfclere)that didn't make a difference, <welcome-file> is only used for the original domain request (my.com), but doesn't seem to matter for other directories like my.com/tools
3. Re: default page for url directories
jaikiran Sep 12, 2010 3:36 AM (in response to mg123)Michael Gaitsg wrote:
butif type my.com/tools/ then it gives me "page not found" and I want it to redirect to my.com/tools/index.htm
is there a way to configure it in JBoss?
So, I guess, you want to configure a custom error page for error 404. Add a error-page element in your web.xml:
<error-page> <error-code>404</error-code> <location>/tools/index.htm</location> <error-page>
Check the xsd of web.xml for more details.
4. Re: default page for url directories
mg123 Sep 16, 2010 9:53 AM (in response to jaikiran)Hi,
not exactly, I alreaady have error-code configured
it's not just one "tools" dir that I have, I have multiple tools/, research/, reviews/, etc...
there should be a way to configure it simialr to apache, tomcat where you specify default landing page like .htm, .html, .jsp ....
I just can not figure out how to do it jboss