1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 22, 2010 12:37 AM by chakri_jboss

    rich:inplaceInput and a4j:support


      Without the a:support tag, the inplaceInput was not saving, with it as shown it is.



       <rich:inplaceInput id="col4b" value="#{_item.edescription}" showControls="true">
         <a:support event="onviewactivated" reRender="col4b"


      My question is, is it the reRender or the ajaxSingle that is causing the save once I press Enter to save my changes?

        • 1. Re: rich:inplaceInput and a4j:support

          what are the events that inplaceInput raises , so that a4j:support can fire a reqeust, i tried with "onviewactivated" but seems not to be working. moreover i need to handle this ajax event in spring Webflow. so pls provide me any relevant suggestions on this. thankyou.