1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 24, 2010 9:24 PM by pferraro

    No good topic - Need to understand Jboss/mod_cluster packaging better


      Like i said: no good topic header


      I was just looking at the downloads for mod_cluster and they all seem to contain a full blown httpd inside. In my mind I always associate JBoss as being a redhat product and I had to wonder why no RPM's..


      I guess since it needs a much newer httpd that what comes with RHEL, might be a large part of it.


      I already have a proxy setup with one JBoss server behind it, I guess for my mod_cluster setup, I'd want to run a separate proxy using the /opt layout?


      See, no solid questions... just looking to start a discussion so I can understand it better.


      Thanks! Jeff.