1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 24, 2010 8:37 AM by konstantin.mishin

    problem using richface in datagrid with datascroll


      hi, I am learning how to use datagrid with datascroll  in richface. And I found an example in this site http://ludvigsens.net/richfaces-3.3.2/richfaces/dataGrid.jsf?c=dataGrid&tab=usage , however, when i view the source, the datascroll part only shows " <rich:datascroller></rich:datascroller> " which I don't think could work as the example shows, because it has not any parameters with it.  And in the datascroll example,

      http://ludvigsens.net/richfaces-3.3.2/richfaces/dataTableScroller.jsf;jsessionid=1628BA7DBE6C0BAD192A2EF0C4677399?c=dataTableScroller&tab=usage, it shows that the datascroll should written as  <rich:datascroller align="left" for="carList" maxPages="20"
      page="#{dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage}" reRender="sc2" id="sc1" /> , therefore I guess there should be some parameter's such as "for" and "pages" for the datascroll to work in the datagrid example?  If I want to make the datascroll work with datagrid, how to write a  "dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage" for the page indexing? Can anybody have any ideas, thanks!