1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 27, 2010 2:34 AM by adamw

    Envers Console Demo


      We have a question about envers and the console demo source code.


      In the console demo  the Person entity has an Address


      public class Person {
          private int id;


          private String name;


          private String surname;


          private Address address;




      We changed the code of  "modify person" (option 4 in the console) to also modify the address of the person.


      When we execute the console demo option 4 with this values


      Person id: 1
      Person name (NULL for null, enter for no change, current - James):
      Person surname (NULL for null, enter for no change, current - Bond):
      Person address id (NULL for null, enter for no change, current - 1): Street name (NULL for null, enter for no change, current - MI6): aa
      House number (enter for no change, current - 18): 1
      Flat number (enter for no change, current - 25): 2



      Envers only insert a revision for the address, beacuse the person entity didnt change.



      Hibernate: update Address set flatNumber=?, houseNumber=?, streetName=? where id=?
      Hibernate: insert into REVINFO (REV, REVTSTMP) values (null, ?)
      Hibernate: call identity()
      Hibernate: insert into his_Address_AUD (REVTYPE, flatNumber, houseNumber, streetName, id, REV) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)



      Can you indicate Envers also insert a revision for the Person when the person address is modified?



        • 1. Re: Envers Console Demo


          there's currently no such option. Audit entries will be done only for changed entities (and with appropriate settings, if the content of a contained collection changes).

