2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 21, 2010 2:17 PM by al_b

    How to stop application (ear) using JMX? (JBOSS AS 5.1)


      Hi All,


      I need to stop application if startup initialization is failed. AdminConsole have such functionality, so I hope it can be done programmatically using JMX.


      The stop(String) method of the MainDeployer is not supported and i can't find specific MBean that responsible for ear application and has a stop() method (as for standalone war application).


      In this topic (2009 Aug) JSR88 client is mentioned but it can't start/stop applications that deployed through filesystem (i can't deploy application using JSR88 cause it does not support persistent deployment).


      There is also this topic (2008 Apr) but it also does not contains solution of the described problem.



      Can anyone help find an answer to a question: how to stop the application using JMX in JBoss AS 5.1?



