0 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2009 7:25 AM by anandsaranath

    Using rich:dataTable and rich:columns together to display th



      I have a requirement where my columns in a table will be picked up from configuration (web.xml). So, displaying the table content using rich:column is ruled out. I tried using rich:columns and I am able to display the information. But, when it comes to sorting of columns, it is not working.

      I have a runningJobs.xhtml file which displays information from RunningJobsBean (request scope). The columns are picked up from web.xml. I manually build column objects using Column class which also has the Ordering field set by default to the first column. But the requirement here is that I should be able to sort the column values on any column.

      When I get the output on the tab, I am able to sort it once. But, after that, the sorting functionality does not work.

      I am attaching the code. Please help!


      The runningJobs.xhtml page is as follows:

      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
       xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" xmlns:a4j="http://richfaces.org/a4j" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
      <h:form id="runningJobsForm">
       <a4j:loadScript src="../../javascript/saSov.js" />
       <rich:contextMenu attached="false" id="menu" submitMode="ajax">
       <rich:menuItem onclick="stopJobConfirm('{jobId}', '#{SOV_JobAction.stopMsg}');"
       submitMode="ajax" oncomplete="alert('#{SOV_JobAction.errMsg}');document.location.href='/activator/jsf/sov/results.jsf'">
       <a4j:actionparam assignTo="#{SOV_JobAction.jobId}" value="{jobId}" actionListener="#{SOV_JobAction.stopJob}"/>
       <h:outputText value="Stop Job ({jobId})" />
       <rich:menuItem onclick="stopJobConfirm('{jobId}', '#{SOV_JobAction.stopMsg}');" submitMode="ajax"
       oncomplete="alert('#{SOV_JobAction.errMsg}');document.location.href='/activator/jsf/sov/results.jsf'" rendered="#{SOV_JobAction.admin}">
       <h:outputText value="Forced Stop Job ({jobId})" />
       <a4j:actionparam assignTo="#{SOV_JobAction.jobId}" value="#{jobId}" actionListener="#{SOV_JobAction.stopJobForce}" />
       <rich:menuItem onclick="return changeRoles('{jobId}', 'RunningJobs');" rendered="#{SOV_JobAction.admin}">
       <h:outputText value="Change Roles for Job ({jobId})"/>
       <rich:menuItem onclick="return changePriority('{jobId}');" rendered="#{SOV_JobAction.admin}">
       <h:outputText value="Change Priority for Job ({jobId})"/>
      <div align="center">
       <rich:dataTable value="#{SOV_RunningJobsBean.valueList}" var="row" width="100%" rows="#{SOV_RunningJobsBean.maxRecords}"
       id="testDataTable1" sortMode="multiple">
       <rich:columns id="#{row.data[index]}_#{index}" value="#{SOV_RunningJobsBean.columns}" var="col" index="index"
       sortBy="#{row.data[index]}" sortOrder="#{col.ordering}">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="#{col.name}" />
       <h:outputText value="#{row.data[index]}" />
       <rich:componentControl event="onRowContextMenu" for="menu" operation="show" disableDefault="true">
       <f:param value="#{row.jobDesc.jobId}" name="jobId" />
       <f:param value="#{row.jobDesc.name}" name="name" />

      The RunningJobsBean code is as follows
      package com.hp.ov.activator.jsf.sov;
      import java.io.Serializable;
      import java.text.DateFormat;
      import java.text.MessageFormat;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Iterator;
      import java.util.LinkedList;
      import java.util.Locale;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.ResourceBundle;
      import java.util.TreeSet;
      import java.util.Vector;
      import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
      import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
      import org.richfaces.model.Ordering;
      import com.hp.ov.activator.mwfm.JobResponseDescriptor;
      import com.hp.ov.activator.mwfm.RunningJobDescriptor;
      import com.hp.ov.activator.mwfm.WFManager;
      public class RunningJobsBean implements Serializable, com.hp.ov.activator.mwfm.servlet.Constants
       private TreeSet<RunningJobDescriptor> runningJobs = null;
       private LinkedList<Column> columns;
       private DisplayBean[] valueList;
       private int maxRecords = 0;
       private WFManager session = null;
       Vector<String> configuredColumns = null;
       public LinkedList<Column> getColumns()
       return columns;
       public void setColumns(LinkedList<Column> columns)
       this.columns = columns;
       public int getMaxRecords()
       return maxRecords;
       public void setMaxRecords(int maxRecords)
       this.maxRecords = maxRecords;
       public RunningJobsBean()
       System.out.println("running jobs bean constructor");
       FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       Map<String, Object> sessionMap = context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
       String temp = (String) sessionMap.get(SOV_JOB_MAX_RECORDS);
       session = (WFManager) sessionMap.get(MWFM_SESSION);
       try {
       maxRecords = Integer.parseInt(temp);
       } catch (Exception e) {
       // ignore exception. This exception will never be thrown
       configuredColumns = (Vector<String>) sessionMap.get(SOV_JOBS_COLUMNS);
       Locale locale = context.getExternalContext().getRequestLocale();
       ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(SOV_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, locale);
       ValueChangeListener listener = (ValueChangeListener) sessionMap.get(TAB_LISTENER);
       // query the backend only in case the selected tab is messages tab.
       if (listener != null) {
       String selectedTab = listener.getJobsTab();
       if (selectedTab.equals(RJ_TAB)) {
       /*private void populateWithRB(ResourceBundle bundle)
       columns = new LinkedList<Column>();
       for (int i = 0; i < configuredColumns.size(); i ++) {
       String configuredColName = configuredColumns.get(i);
       // String replaceString = bundle.getString(configuredColName);
       String replaceString = configuredColName;
       if (configuredColName.equals(JOB_ID_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(replaceString, Ordering.ASCENDING));
       } else {
       columns.add(new Column(replaceString, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       private void populateWithRB(ResourceBundle bundle)
       columns = new LinkedList<Column>();
       for (int i = 0; i < configuredColumns.size(); i ++) {
       String column = configuredColumns.get(i);
       if (column.equals(JOB_ID_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(JOB_ID_LABEL, Ordering.ASCENDING));
       } else if (column.equals(SERVICE_ID_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(SERVICE_ID_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(HOST_NAME_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(HOST_NAME_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(WORKFLOW_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(WORKFLOW_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(WORKFLOW_TYPE_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(WORKFLOW_TYPE_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(WORKFLOW_STATE_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(WORKFLOW_STATE_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(ORDER_ID_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(ORDER_ID_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(STEP_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(STEP_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(START_TIME_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(START_TIME_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(DESCRIPTION_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(DESCRIPTION_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else if (column.equals(STATUS_LABEL)) {
       columns.add(new Column(STATUS_LABEL, Ordering.UNSORTED));
       } else {
       MessageFormat.format("><Ignoring column {0} in Service Order View (Running Jobs Tab) as this parameter is not recognizable",
       new Object[] {column}));
       public DisplayBean[] getValueList()
       return valueList;
       public void setValueList(DisplayBean[] valueList)
       this.valueList = valueList;
       public DisplayBean[] queryJobs()
       JobResponseDescriptor jobRespDesc;
       FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
       FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       Map<String, Object> sessionMap = context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
       HashMap<String, String> queryParams = (HashMap<String, String>)sessionMap.get(QUERY_PARAMS);
       try {
       jobRespDesc = WorkflowManagerUtils.getRunningJobs(queryParams, maxRecords, session);
       } catch (Exception e) {
       String errMsg = MessageFormat.format("><Exception received while retrieving running jobs for query parameters {0} : {1}",
       new Object[] {queryParams, e.getMessage()});
       context.addMessage("errorMessageForm:errorMessage", message);
       return null;
       if (jobRespDesc != null && jobRespDesc.getExceptionMap().size() != 0) {
       HashMap<String, Exception> responseMap = null;
       String hosts = "";
       responseMap = jobRespDesc.getExceptionMap();
       for (Iterator<String> it = responseMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
       String hostName = it.next();
       Exception e = responseMap.get(hostName);
       if (e != null) {
       hosts += " " + hostName;
       if (!hosts.equals("")) {
       String errMsg = MessageFormat.format("><Unable to retrieve running jobs from hosts : {0}", new Object[] {hosts});
       context.addMessage("errorMessageForm:errorMessage", message);
       runningJobs = jobRespDesc.getRunningJobDescriptorsAsSet();
       return orderOutput(runningJobs);
       private DisplayBean[] orderOutput(TreeSet<RunningJobDescriptor> runningJobs)
       if (columns.size() == 0) {
       System.out.println("><No columns to display for Running Jobs tab");
       return null;
       valueList = new DisplayBean[runningJobs.size()];
       int index = 0;
       for (Iterator<RunningJobDescriptor> it = runningJobs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); index++) {
       RunningJobDescriptor runningJob = it.next();
       ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
       for (int i = 0; i < configuredColumns.size(); i ++) {
       String name = configuredColumns.get(i);
       if (name.equals(JOB_ID_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(SERVICE_ID_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(ORDER_ID_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(WORKFLOW_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(HOST_NAME_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(WORKFLOW_TYPE_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(WORKFLOW_STATE_LABEL)) {
       } else if (name.equals(STEP_LABEL)) {
       } else {
       if (values.size() != 0) {
       DisplayBean bean = new DisplayBean(values, runningJob);
       valueList[index] = bean;
       return valueList;

      Column class is as follows:
      package com.hp.ov.activator.jsf.sov;
      import java.io.Serializable;
      import org.richfaces.model.Ordering;
      public class Column implements Serializable
       private String name;
       Ordering ordering = Ordering.ASCENDING;
       public String getName()
       return name;
       public void setName(String name)
       this.name = name;
       public Ordering getOrdering()
       return ordering;
       public void setOrdering(Ordering ordering)
       this.ordering = ordering;
       public Column(String name, Ordering ordering)
       this.name = name;
       this.ordering = ordering;