Hi folks,
I'd like to investigate the use of Remoting on JBoss for a large project with many different technologies.
We are currently using JBoss AS 6 but it looks like there is no Remoting available for JBoss AS 6.
I have found the following information JBoss Remoting site:
For Remoting 2:
2.5.3.SP1: Versions 2.5.x are targeted to JBoss Application Server 5.0/5.1 and EAP 5.0/5.1
2.2.3.SP2: Versions 2.2.x are targeted to JBoss Application Server 4.2 and EAP 4.2/4.3
For Remoting 3:
Remoting 3 is the next generation of Remoting.
It will support a variety of modules in JBoss Application Server 6.
But... I also find this:
3.1.0.Beta2 Beta - NOT for production systems
Does Remoting 2.5.x work with JBoss AS 6?
As anyone tried this before?
Any hints on making it work?
Hi Ian,
AS 6 will ship with Remoting 2.5.x. I should update the web site. Thanks.