2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 20, 2010 1:52 AM by sudheerk84

    Issue with sticky session


      I have used the following properties on my tomcat server.xml







      My Requirement : I have two tomcats and one httpd.  I tried with 5 requests from different server.  All go into a single server.


      When i get that tomcat server down , i expect teh requests to go into another tomcat . BUt with no luck :-(



      My usecase is sam eas teh follwing thread.But i had no luck



        • 1. Re: Issue with sticky session

          1st, which mod_cluster version are you using?

          2nd, Can you verify that each node is registered properly with the load balancer? Use mod_cluster-manager to validate this.

          If you're still using 1.0.x, have you assigned a unique jvmRoute to each node?

          • 2. Re: Issue with sticky session

            Thanks Paul for the reply.


            I am using teh latest version of mod cluster(1.1.0)  and tomcat version 6.0.29 and apache http version (one bundled with mod cluster dist)


            Since i am using 1.1.0 i am not using jvm route.


            i think the nodes have properly registered with the load balancer because new requests after shutting down tomcat1 are goinf to tomcat2 .Only issue is the requests which were sticky to tomcat1 shows error.


            I have followed teh guidelines in the documentation to do my setup.


            I have apache and tomcat running on  and one more tomcat running on (2 instances of tomcat and one instance of apache)


            Configuration in tomcat :


            <Listener className="org.jboss.modcluster.catalina.ModClusterListener" proxyList="" stickySession="true" stickySessionForce="false" stickySessionRemove="false"/>



            Apache configuration :

            <IfModule manager_module>
                <Directory />
                 Order deny,allow
                 Deny from all
                 Allow from 10.1.64.


                KeepAliveTimeout 300
                MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
                ServerAdvertise on
                AdvertiseFrequency 5
                ManagerBalancerName mycluster
                #AdvertiseSecurityKey secret
                #AdvertiseGroup @ADVIP@:23364


                <Location /mod_cluster_manager>
                   SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
                   Order deny,allow
                   Deny from all
                   Allow from 127.0.0

