11 Replies Latest reply on Oct 27, 2010 11:38 PM by anviswa

    fileupload and status


      hi all,

      I have an issue with using "status" attribute of fileupload  tag.

      I point the status to a modalpanel which simply displays a gif.


      When I try to upload a file of size say 10 MB, the upload panel correctly displays the "progress bar" etc and my

      "gif" is displayed during the upload.  btw, I use <a4j:status> to show and hide the gif.

      Problem is, the user focus jumps between the upload window and the gif  till the upload is completed.


      How can i debug this or any suggestions? I use RF 3.3.1.GA.



        • 1. Re: fileupload and status
          Problem is, the user focus jumps

          not sure that get the idea. You mean that some FU elements after udates overlaps your status panel?

          • 2. Re: fileupload and status

            thanks for looking into this.

            let me explain. during the upload, we display a separate "processing gif" (say PG), which is simply a modal panel and gets displayed/hidden using an ajax-status component which in turn is associated with the file-upload component using the "status" attribute.

            when i try to upload  a large filesay 10 MB, the PG is correctly display. but after that, it gets hidden and the upload panel is displayed. then the PG is displayed and so on. the PG is hidden and displayed continously until the upload is completed. i.e the start and stop is fired till upload completes.

            And to answer yours, FU elements doesnot overlap the PG. they appear just fine within the FU window


            Any idea where i am making the mistake or guidance on how to fix this?



            • 3. Re: fileupload and status

              Ah.. I see the problem that you submit multiple files and every submitted in separate request so status flickrs...


              As workaround I could propose to use


              onupload="showmystatus();" onuploadcomplete="hidemystatus"


              at FU component instead of status usage. Hope it helps.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: fileupload and status

                thanks. I will try that and update.

                also, it is for single file only. not multiple files.

                it is "during the upload", i.,e the 10MB file is not yet uploaded and the PG hides/unhides itself during the whole upload process.

                • 5. Re: fileupload and status

                  well, it worked!!. thanks. but as you said, it is a workaround only. it is not using the "status" attribute of FU.

                  another issue is that the FU upload bar doesn't get going. it stops at the start, the PG displays and the whole file gets uploaded and PG disappears and FU displays the 'clear'.


                  will have to check with seniors to see if they  accept this behaviour. otherwise i am coming back to you : )


                  if you get a chance, please guide me as to how i can intercept the ajax req/res w.r.t this scenario


                  thanks again

                  • 6. Re: fileupload and status
                    well, it worked!!. thanks. but as you said, it is a workaround only. it is not using the "status" attribute of FU.

                    actually some problems with status will be there anyway.. https://jira.jboss.org/browse/RF-9553 - created for review in 4.x


                    another issue is that the FU upload bar doesn't get going. it stops at the start, the PG displays and the whole file gets uploaded and PG disappears and FU displays the 'clear'.

                    could you check that under 3.3.3.Final? There were some issues in the past. If will be still there - need to check into the code more.

                    • 7. Re: fileupload and status

                      Thanks IIya for your help.

                      I cannot change the RF version in the app but I will put in a request to my seniors to use the latest build.  


                      Can you please point out what issue with "status" are there?

                      Had build issues yesterday so will get back to you today on using the workaround.



                      • 8. Re: fileupload and status

                        Got an issue here really.

                        onuploadcomplete wont work in IE8. refer below jira ticket


                        For me, it doesnt fire in other browsers too.ie Chrome, FF3.

                        The fix for that is to use 3.3.2 version  : (


                        so back to square one. the workaround is not working for my setup.

                        Any suggestions please



                        • 9. Re: fileupload and status
                          I cannot change the RF version in the app but I will put in a request to my seniors to use the latest build.

                          When I'm asking to check the problems at latest version - I do not mean to upgrade application immediatelly for sure Just want to be shure that problem fixed in later builds so asking to replace libraries just locally for you and just check that.


                          Again just as possible workaround - you have flash enabled? or in auto mode(attribute just not set?). If so - please try to disable it using allowFlash = false;

                          so back to square one. the workaround is not working for my setup.

                          So unfortunatelly seems you actually need to rise request to your senior team on libs updates. B.t.w. 3.3.3 contains most of IE 8 issues fixes. As it was releasd not much before 3.3.1 - not much issues get fixed there.

                          • 10. Re: fileupload and status

                            Thanks IIya.

                            We use RF bundled inside a war with other dependencies and deployed to our Weblogic portal server as shared lib. makes it difficult to do the desired action.

                            In any case, thanks for your time. Will update of any solution or workarounds



                            • 11. Re: fileupload and status

                              Got the workaround working. Problem was I had a4j:support for the onuploadcomplete event so only one fired.

                              so added the hidepanel() call to the 'support' and things work out good.


                              Thanks for your help.  [ Marked your earlier reply as "helpful" since using the "status" is still causing issue.]

