1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2010 2:35 PM by alexsmirnov

    Unable to get FacesContext


      I've written a class which extends GenericFacesPortlet.  I'm unable to get  FacesContext .  On giving FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), itz returning null.   I'm using  portletbridge-api-2.0.0.FINAL.jar  &  portletbridge-impl-2.0.0.FINAL.jar.   My JSF version is JSF 1.2. 


      My web.xml configuration :






      Is there any additional configuration which I need to do ????????

      Anybody plz help me rectify this...thnx in advance....

        • 1. Re: Unable to get FacesContext

          GenericFacesPortlet calls javax.portlet.faces.Bridge implementation that actually performs the same actions as FacesServlet ( it creates and destroys FacesContext, and executes JSF Lifecycle ). GenericFacesPortlet only creates bridge instance ( based on configuration ) and initializes it.

          Therefore, FacesContext is not available from Portlet methods, it just not created yet.