3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2012 9:08 AM by ze_art

    Wrap rich:popupPanel as Composite Component not working


      For RichFaces 4 M5, I try to wrap rich:popupPanel component as composite component so I can reuse the header control across the application. The code is shown below:



          <cc:attribute name="header" required="true" />

          <cc:attribute name="width" default="550" />

          <cc:attribute name="height" default="550" />












              <f:facet name="header">#{cc.attrs.header}</f:facet>

              <f:facet name="controls">



                      onclick="onWindowMin(#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}); return false;">

                      <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_minimize.png" id="toggleIcon"/>




                      onclick="#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}.hide(); return false;">

                      <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_close.png" id="closeIcon"/>










      and then use it in one of the pages


                <h:inputText  id="targetChla" valueChangeListener="#{susLoadPlot.onTargetChlaChange}">

                      <a4j:ajax  event="keyup" execute="@this" render="targetSusLoad targetPercentReduction"/>

                      <rich:componentControl target="disclaimerDialog" operation="show" />



              <widget:dialog id="disclaimerDialog" header="Disclaimer!">

                  <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{msg['module.disclaimer']}" />



      However, when I use the component, the following exception is thrown


      SEVERE: javax.faces.FacesException: Component ID discliamerDialog:j_id2 has already been found in the view.


      +id: discliamerDialog

               type: javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer@199f755

                +id: j_id2

                 type: javax.faces.component.UIPanel@1fdff07

                  +id: discliamerDialog

                   type: org.richfaces.component.UIPopupPanel@16e9494

                    +id: j_id2

                     type: javax.faces.component.UIPanel@724356

                      +id: j_idt71


      But if i don't define id inside the composite component, rich:componentControl does not work as it cannot find the exact match id


      Tried to use following instead but still not working

      <rich:componentControl target="#{rich:findComponent('disclaimerDialog*')}" operation="show" />


      Any solution to this?

        • 1. Wrap rich:popupPanel as Composite Component not working

          The exception is ok. your composit component in tree has the same id as inner one. Use something like "#{cc.attrs.id}modal}" and change component control accordingly.

          • 2. Re: Wrap rich:popupPanel as Composite Component not working

            Ok, did that but syntax is wrong. Use something like this instead

                <rich:popupPanel id="#{cc.attrs.id}_modal"



            Still have the same exception "Component ID disclaimerDialog:j_id2 has already been found in the view". I also have been trying different ways to get it to work for a day already without success. Maybe it's best to just copy-and-paste but not my preferred solution. Any suggestion?

            • 3. Re: Wrap rich:popupPanel as Composite Component not working

              Bit of a thread-necro, but i'm having the exact same issue using Mojarra 2.1.9 and RF 4.2.0.


              I found out what causes it, although i have no idea why RF/Mojarra is behaving that way.


              The issue is the code contained within the "controls" facet - if you put more than 1 direct child elements into that facet the descibed error will occur.


              <f:facet name="controls">



                              onclick="onWindowMin(#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}); return false;">

                              <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_minimize.png" id="toggleIcon"/>




                              onclick="#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}.hide(); return false;">

                              <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_close.png" id="closeIcon"/>




              The workaround i found is quite simple, wrap the 2 outputLink elements into a panelGroup, then it'll work just fine:


              <f:facet name="controls">




                              onclick="onWindowMin(#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}); return false;">

                              <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_minimize.png" id="toggleIcon"/>




                              onclick="#{rich:component('#{cc.clientId}')}.hide(); return false;">

                              <h:graphicImage value="/images/window/win_close.png" id="closeIcon"/>


