1 2 3 Previous Next 39 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2011 2:48 AM by jayn123 Go to original post
      • 30. JBoss does not start properly

        Yes - you can integrate JBoss with Netbeans. I am an Eclipse/JBDS guy, so I won't be much help, but my guess is it's pretty straightforward:



        • 31. JBoss does not start properly

          The steps i followed is i increased the Permsize in run.conf as 512m, than i have deleted two files gatein-sample-portal.ear and gatein-sample-extension.ear from deploy folder, than i have change settings for mysql db in configuration.properties files and jcr-configuration.xml file and i have created two database with name as jdbcjcr_portal and jdbcidm_portal.


          I am trying with eclipse. On server i am adding new server, thanselecting Jboss v5.0 and in new server runtime environment i amselecting that GateIn-3.1.0-FINAL-jbossas.tar.gz and jre as default jrethan i click on finish. It creates new jboss server, than  i amstarting that server, now server started successfully but it gives me



            Deployment"vfsfile:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/java/GateIn/test/GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/deploy/gatein.ear/"is in error due to the following reason(s):org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: URL file:/C:/Documents andSettings/Administrator/Desktop/java/GateIn/test/GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/tmp/a00y-s68yq8-gkyy47hn-1-gkyy5htm-9t/eXoGadgetServer.war/deployment failed

            Deployment"vfszip:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/java/GateIn/test/GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/deploy/starter-gatein.ear/"is in error due to the following reason(s):org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: URL file:/C:/Documents andSettings/Administrator/Desktop/java/GateIn/test/GateIn-3.1.0-GA/server/default/tmp/a00y-s68yq8-gkyy47hn-1-gkyy5z35-a0/starter.war/deployment failed


          Where i am going wrong?

          • 32. JBoss does not start properly

            I should have had you delete /tmp as well. More importantly, what happens when you go to http://localhost:8080/portal?

            • 33. JBoss does not start properly

              HTTP Status 404 - /portal/

              type Status report

              message /portal/

              description The requested resource (/portal/) is not available.

              • 34. JBoss does not start properly

                Again i have tried, when i go to http://localhost:8080/portal/ it opens up http://localhost:8080/portal/public/classic/ and shows blank page.

                And also through many errors:

                Few of them are :


                Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Repository 'repository' not found.


                11:31:36,281 ERROR [RootContainer] Cannot create the portal container 'portal' . ServletContext: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade@2e9ddc


                11:31:36,281 WARN  [RootContainer] The portal container 'portal' doesn't not exist or it has not yet been registered, please check your PortalContainerDefinitions and the loading order.


                11:31:46,656 ERROR [portal:PortalSessionListener] Error while destroying a portal session


                    at org.exoplatform.portal.application.PortalSessionListener.onSessionCreated(PortalSessionListener.java:75)


                Can you get any idea from the above error, what is the problem?

                • 35. JBoss does not start properly

                  Hi Jay,


                  I think i had faced the situation just like yours before. As suggested by Marko, maybe you can try this http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RunningtwoseparateGateIninstances.



                  • 36. JBoss does not start properly

                    I have gone through above url:

                    I have followed first step, if i have done that than is there is need to follow Alternative: Using Configuration Override steps also or that is not required?

                    • 37. JBoss does not start properly

                      Nope. I just performed the first one.

                      • 38. JBoss does not start properly

                        So to configure with your local mysql database i need to make changes in jcr-configuration.xml file as

                        <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>

                                  <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mygateindb${container.name.suffix}"/>

                                  <property name="username" value="xxxx"/>

                                  <property name="password" value="xxxx"/>


                        And any where else i need to configure with mysql database?

                        • 39. JBoss does not start properly

                          Is it possible to create my own database and tables for my own portlet, which i am importing here at gatein?

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