1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 2, 2011 10:14 AM by jesper.pedersen

    give the Start-Class as an Option


      Hello Collegues,


      just an idea, but maybe it's a FAQ (sorry if so):


      when using the "unused jar report" it would be very helpful if the start class could be named as an option.

      That way it would be possible to detect the convex hull of the used jars of a program (or *let).


      Currently the user needs to remove unused jars again and again, in order to find those that are only indirectly used by an otherwise unused jar,

      until only the jar(s) containing the start class(es) are left as "unused".


      Regards from germany,


        • 1. give the Start-Class as an Option

          Watch out - that report is only information.


          Tattletale only looks for classes that are 'defined' -- any classes that are loaded f.ex. through reflection are not identified.


          However, extending the report with transitive dependencies such that entire trees of jars can be easily removed is a good idea.


          Feel free to discuss any design / implementation details at our development forum, and then attach a patch to our JIRA tracker.