1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 10, 2011 11:46 AM by clebert.suconic

    HornetQ failover




      HornetQ has built in failover capabilites Great!!!!! (Donot have to rely on other third party softwares for HA).


      HotnetQ has high performance journal. This is only possible when we use a disk which performs more sync's/sec.


      It is given in the documentation, the recomended disk type for storing the hornetq journal is shared file system (SAN) for failover.


      Correct me if i am wrong, to my understsnding SAN is not a shared file system.


      Here is link http://serverfault.com/questions/79859/why-are-two-servers-viewing-the-same-drive-unable-to-view-the-same-files which clearly states that SAN disk cannot be accessed from the two systems at the same time.


      Journal can be shared only using Network Attached Storage (NAS).


      Kindly suggest me what is the right way of setting up a HA HornetQ Server (which should have high performnace).




        • 1. HornetQ failover

          I guess we should fix the term on the docs..




          But I guess you should really rely on the OS documentation as to how to share a disk over different hardware. 


          All we really want to say is.. anything as long as it's not NFS. You need to guarantee the same semantic level of access as you would through a local disk. That is a sync really means a sync...    while on NFS some of that is ignored for performance reasons.