3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 23, 2011 5:49 AM by maxandersen

    DevStudio 4, Arquillian and AS 6


      I'm using DS 4.0.0.CR1 against AS 6. I've created an EJB project with an EJB. Now I want to add an Arquillian test case.

      Is there a wiki where something is outlined on how to do Arquillian stuff in Developer Studio?

        • 1. DevStudio 4, Arquillian and AS 6

          We don't have anything specific for Arquillian - its on our roadmap for next version.


          Best to ask Arquillian guys how they currently do stuff from the various IDE's.


          i.e. from what I've seen its just "run the testsuite" via either junit or testng.


          That of course assumes you have arquillian testcase to begin with.

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          • 2. Re: DevStudio 4, Arquillian and AS 6

            I'm going to assume that writing the Arquillian test case is an user task. So somewhere I need to put the test class:

            public void CalculatorTestCase {
                @EJB CalculatorLocal calculator;
                void testAdd() {
                    assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));


            I think the first step is to mavenize the setup, unless I see some setup appear in Arquillian and DevStudio 4 that doesn't use maven. But doesn't that mean that the current project wizard (EJB project) is invalid?

            • 3. Re: DevStudio 4, Arquillian and AS 6

              You are right in assuming writing the arquillian test case is a user task - isn't any testcase writing a user task ?


              Or do you mean you are looking for a wizard for creating the stub class containing:



              public void ATestCase {      
                 void testA() {       
                    fail("TODO: write test");   




              Mavenize the setup - install m2eclipse and use New Maven project - or simply import pom.xml.


              Note, without actually having all the dependencies in Maven hard to do any setup from JBDS, i.e. EAP 6.


              For JBoss Tools we can do more - again, i'm not sure what it is you are looking for completely ?


              About EJB Project being invalid - I don't again understand what you mean. It creates an EJB project - thats what it does. Nothing more/nothing less.


              You want it to mavenize it and add arquillian dependencies for you ?

              If you have m2eclipse installed and JBoss Tool Maven integration then you can enable Maven under Facets.


              Arquillian is though still something you need to configure/add as a dependency on your own.


              Note: I'm completely aware this is not optimal but look at the Seam wizard that does alot of things - here we are told it does too much (we know it does so would be good to hear what you actually expect the tools will do for you ?