2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 23, 2011 8:04 AM by starksm64



      The indicated issue is about adding some more debugging output to the agent startup and transformer behavior under the debug and verbose modes. The only question I posed in the issue is whether debugging output such as when the Transformer.transform methods are processing a class should be subject to a new org.jboss.byteman.verbose.transform system property flag to isolate this very verbose output from the baseline verbose output that currently exists.

        • 1. BYTEMAN-151

          Hi Scott,


          I replied to this on the JIRA before I saw the forum posting. Please cross-reference.





          Andrew Dinn

          • 2. BYTEMAN-151

            So if we want to go down the path of verbosity levels, the next question is whether this should be done using the java.util.logging framework rather than adding additional logging specific properties since this is the typical use case for logging frameworks. If that is something that would be of interest, it probably should be done in a 1.6 version of byteman.